Posted By Dr. Maya Dental
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Do you have missing teeth? Is your smile no longer as attractive as you want?
Undisputedly an attractive smile is essential for boosting your self-confidence and impacts your oral health.
75% of adults worldwide suffer from tooth loss, and research indicates the rate of older adults is increasing for many reasons, such as receding gums, subsequent exposure to root surfaces, tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, and medications.
If you have already researched restorative options such as dental bridges and dentures, it’s time to look at dental implants.
Research indicates that the risk for tooth loss in older adults is increased because of many reasons, such as receding gums, subsequent exposure to root surfaces, tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, and medications.
Professionals highly recommend this restorative option for many reasons. Although the process is short and doesn’t require surgery, the results make it worth it!
Before making your decision, check out these facts about dental implants:
1. Dental implants replace tooth roots.
The dental implant procedure replaces the entire tooth, from root to crown. The implant itself is a tiny rod that resembles a screw and serves as the tooth’s root. Therefore, it must be put into the jawbone. This stabilizes a crown or denture.
It also provides the appropriate stimulation to the bones, which is essential because many people who lose their teeth will suffer facial atrophy and look older than they are.
2. The patients' jawbone density must be adequate.
The patient must have enough jawbone for the implant to affix to for the procedure to be successful. Bone grafting can be done by a dentist or oral surgeon when a patient doesn’t have enough bone.
Once positioned, a natural process known as osseointegration causes the dental implant and bone to solidify their link. Although it could take up to six months, this is crucial for the transplant to be effective.
3. Dental implants are highly successful.
The success rate of dental implant surgery is over 90%. Complications are infrequent when patients hire a professional dentist. This rate also depends on a patient’s dental health and medical history; dentists can determine who is a good candidate and who is not. Biocompatible materials also help to provide a successful result.
4. Smoking increases the chance of dental implants failing.
Unfortunately, smoking and chemicals in a smoker’s mouth can cause central bacterial infections and the mouth’s inability to recover.
If they get dental implants, patients must stop smoking before and during the healing period. We advise them to refrain from using tobacco to maintain their overall health.
5. Dental implants don't require special care.
Patients need not take anything once the dentist has finished the implant.
Patients should keep up with routine dental visits after getting dental implants and follow a good oral hygiene regimen. Depending on oral health requirements, dental visits may be advised every six months or more frequently.
Dr.MAYA is an experienced implant dentist in Dubai, Motor City. Call our dental team today at +97145546394 to schedule your FREE consultation if you are considering dental implants.